Humble Beginnings

September 1997, Northeastern University, Boston, MA, 101 Snell Engineering Center, Dr Satvat’s Introduction to Chemical Engineering, i.e., I want to be a dork when I grow up. It didn’t take long to realize that Dr Satavat was only there to explain to us that he was smart and we were not. The next 5 years were not to be easy.

Always an optimist, Dr Satvat opened our Freshman Year of College, ‘the beginning of the rest of our lives’, with something along the lines of, “Look to your right, look to your left. These people will not graduate with you.” Sure enough he was right, but did he realize that I’d be on JP’s left when JP married Dana, that JP and I would match step for step as we made our epic climb to Betty Bear hut, finishing a 19 mile day 4 of a 5 hiking in the Colorado Rockies 10th mountain division hut system, that we brave the wind & rain tenting in Arches National Park, tackle Slick Rock in Moab with looming thunder storms, endure 28 continuous running hrs during the 200 mile Wild West Relay? All that being said, it’s still early days.